Tweed Shire Council

Development Fee Calculator - 2024/2025

IMPORTANT NOTE:To assist us with lodgement of your application, particularly if you are including the Construction Certificate fees in your payment, please call 02 6670 2400 to confirm the $$ amount, or otherwise provide a print-out of this page with your payment.

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Pay the fee(s) in bold in the far column

TSC Development Fee Calculator - Estimated Cost: $xxx
Development Application
Development Type:
New Single Dwelling
Single Dwelling related (pool, patio, deck, etc)
Pontoon - this application includes a pontoon
Other (none of the above)
Notified see Community Participation Plan
Advertised see Community Participation Plan
Integrated, including Coastal Management SEPP ($183 per authority to Ccl and $416 payable to each authority via the NSW Planning Portal)
Designated Advertising Fee
Designated Application Fee
Additional copy of DA and plans required if ...
Other Concurrence*:
Variations to Development Standards or other concurrence fee to Council* (where concurrence is required from Govt Agency) ($183 per authority)
Variations to Development Standards or other concurrence fee (where concurrence is required from Govt Agency) ($0 but $416 payable to each authority via the NSW Planning Portal)
* If "integrated" concurrence required, check "integrated" above instead. Note that integrated applications may require advertising.
DA Lodged without CC - The construction certificate related to this development application is to be lodged at a future date or will be handled by a Private Certifier. Plumbing inspections required: 
New dwelling
Dual occupancy (attached)
Dual occupancy (detached)
DA Fees1
DA Fee  
Planning Reform (PlanFIRST) Fee  
DA Fee inc. Planning Reform  
Other fees  
Additional fees if no CC
Plumbing inspections 0 0
Please submit X copies of your Development Application Form, Statement of Environmental Effects, plans and any other accompanying documentation.
Construction Certificate Application
Inspections required:
  Sign; pergola, patio or awning with no slab; carport with no slab; shade house
  Pergola, patio or awning with slab; carport; deck; swimming pool; verandah, garden shed, farm machinery shed; boat ramp; pontoon; change of use (add 1 more if bathroom)
  Dwelling Relocation; dwelling alterations/additions (min); garage
  Dual occupancy
  Dwelling & swimming pool
  This is a guide only. Additional inspections may be required.
For any enquiries, please contact the Building and Environmental Health Unit on 02 6670 2400.
Non-profit organisation or owner/builder
CC lodged with DA (10% discount)
CC Fees Discount
CC Fee
Inspections and Other CC Fees
Other fees    
Long Service Levy2 (All work $250,000 and over)
Long Service Levy    
* Includes GST
In addition to the plans required for the DA, please submit the following with your CC application: 
2 sets of engineering details/specifications
Complying Development Certificate Application3
New Single Dwelling
Single Dwelling Related (pool, patio, deck, etc)
Inspections required:
  Sign; pergola, patio or awning with no slab; carport with no slab; shade house
  Pergola, patio or awning with slab; boat ramp; pontoon; carport; deck; swimming pool; verandah, garden shed, farm machinery shed; change of use (add 1 more if bathroom)
  Dwelling Relocation; dwelling alterations/additions (min); garage
  Dual occupancy
  Dwelling & swimming pool
  This is a guide only. Additional inspections may be required.
For any enquiries, please contact the Building and Environmental Health Unit on 02 6670 2400.
Non-profit organisation or owner/builder
CDC Fees
CDC Fee  
Inspections and Other CDC Fees
Other fees  
Long Service Levy2 (All work $250,000 and over)
Long Service Levy  
* Includes GST
If a CDC is applied for, a DA and CC application is not required. Please submit the following with your CDC application:
2 sets of engineering details/specifications
Other Required Applications
Driveway Application
For each driveway, or construction or modification of kerb & gutter or footpath paving on public road or road reserve
Driveway (S138) fee 0  
GST 0  
In addition to the plans required for the DA and CC, please submit the following with your Driveway application:
2 sets of drivewaydetails/specifications
Stormwater Application
s68h1-Connect a private stormwater drain to a public drain (ie a Council kerb or stormwater drainage system) by installation of a pipe to carry roofwater or hardstand drainage from private property across a public road, road reserve, footpath or nature strip Lots
s68h2-Install a permanent stormwater quality control device in a private drainage system, that will ultimately discharge to a public stormwater drainage system (not required for single dwellings or dual occupancies)). Devices
s68h3-Carry out mandatory erosion and sediment control works on development that involves disturbance of the ground surface of more than 35m2 or any excavation/earthworks involving the removal or placement of more than 5m3 of soil (swimming pools, inground water tanks, etc)
Single Dwelling/Dual Occupancy
Other, including subdivision, commercial, etc
Erosion and sediment control approval IS NOT REQUIRED for house construction or associated construction on rural properties where the construction zone is more than 50m from any water course and is separated from the water course by a natural sediment barrier such as grass.
Connect to a public drain (includes inspection) (s68h1)  
Quality control devices (s68h2)  
Erosion and sediment control works (s68h3)  

In addition to the plans required for the DA and CC, please submit the following with your Stormwater application: 
2 sets of stormwater details/specifications

Sewage/Water Connection Etc.
NB:In almost every case you will need to submit a Stormwater and Driveway application with your DA and CC (above). Other applications may also be required for sewage and/or water connections. To avoid delays, please call Council to confirm fees and additional plans required. *** Under construction ***
Please contact Tweed Shire Council on 6670 2400 for more info
Information and Disclaimer
  1. This calculator should not be used to calculate the DA Fee for proposed developments for:
    • Advertising Signs, if the fee based on the calculation below is less than $371 + $93 for each additional sign.
    • Subdivisions (see Council's Fees and Payments web page for the current Fees and Charges document).

    In addition to the Development Application, Construction Certificate, Driveway and Stormwater, additional applications are required for Septic, Sewer, etc. Contact the Building and Environmental Health Unit on 02 6670 2400 for more information.

  2. Long Service Levy is required with Construction Certificate application for developments with an estimated cost $250,000 or over. The amount shown here is the amount you will be charged by Council.
  3. In cases where a CDC (Complying Development Certificate) Application is applicable, a DA and CC is not required - see Tweed Shire DCP Section A10-Exempt and Complying Development and State Governments Exempt and Complying Development SEPP for more information.
  4. From July 2020, the CDC Fee is based on 75% of the combined DA and Discounted CC Fee.
  5. Help
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    • Click the 'printer version' link to remove unnecessary information for printing. Click the heading or refresh the page to return.
This calculator is provided to assist you in calculating the fees applicable to your development related applications. All care has been taken to ensure that the resulting fees are correct, however Council takes no responsibility for errors or omissions which may occur as a result of the use of this calculator.
This page last updated